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Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)


Lincoln Memorial University's (LMU) Office of Institutional Compliance is proud to offer a streamlined and supportive Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Application and Procedures process. View the ESA Policy, Procedures, & Forms here.

Please, note that LMU's ESA policies and procedures do NOT apply to Pets and/or Service Animals. You may review LMU's separate and distinct Residential Housing Pet and Service Animal Policy here. For questions related to Pets and/or Service Animals, email

LMU's ESA process follows the following, required documentation (effective July 26, 2023):

  • Part 1: Complete the ESA Application Form.*
    • *Once this form is completed, you will be contacted by the Director of Housing Operations, who will send you an LMU OneDrive link to a unique and secure, shared folder where you will submit and upload the following, below-referenced forms. Do NOT email any documentation to the Director. Documentation should only be submitted via your unique OneDrive link and folder unless you are directed otherwise by the Director of Housing Operations.
  • Part 2: Review, sign, and email a complete LMU Emotional Support Animal Policy Acknowledgement.
  • Part 3: Complete the ESA Animal Information Form.
    • Part 3(a): Obtain veterinarian records for the animal on the veterinary provider's letterhead.
  • Part 4: Complete the ESA Provider Information Form.
    • Part 4(a): Obtain your medical provider's paperwork on the provider's company/practice letterhead.
  • Part 5: Complete, with your LMU Residential Housing roommates, the ESA Roommate Acknowledgement Form (if you have no roommate(s), type No Roommate on the form).
  • Part 6: Complete the ESA Alternate Caregiver Information Form.

All submitted files must be titled in the following format:

LAST NAME 2; LAST NAME 3; i.e., "Webb 2."

NOTE: You may NOT have an animal in your LMU Residential Housing space until you receive approval from the Director of Housing Operations. 

After all required documentation has been submitted, the ESA Review Committee will review your request and make a final decision regarding whether your requested ESA is an "appropriate, reasonable accommodation necessary for full enjoyment of ... residential facilit[ies.]"

You will be notified via email whether your ESA request has been approved, approved pending further information, partially approved, or denied. Following an approval, you will receive further communication detailing your ESA's approved move-in date and other information.

If your ESA request is denied, per the above-linked policy, you may appeal the ESA Review Committee's decision to the Executive Vice President for Administration. All appeals must be filed within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the final decision via email to

The above remarks are but an overview of the ESA process. For full details and policy requirements and procedures, review LMU's ESA Policy carefully. 

All questions related to ESAs may be forwarded to the Director of Housing Operations at

You can complete the ESA Application Form here.